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Posted November 21, 2014

How To Use Rawstream Content Filtering With Tanaza Cloud Managed WiFi Hotspots


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Tanaza provide affordable cloud managed wifi hotspots that are simple to use and work great. We are happy to announce that Tanaza now supports Rawstream’s DNS-based web filtering.

Tanaza customers need to do the following simple steps:

1.Create an account on Rawstream.com
2.Go to Settings > Networks
3.Click Add New Network
4.For networks with static public IPs customers just need to set their Tanaza device to use the indicated Rawstream DNS servers
5.For networks with dynamic public IPs customers set the network to dynamic and set a username and password
6.On the Tanaza device, the update script should call http://api.rawstream.com/tnzdynip?username=<network username>&pw=<network password>

Further information on
Tanaza’s site

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By Rawpress


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